When you’re in a situation wherein it is already complicated and then suddenly an event or rather a series of event, add up to the level of how complicated the situation is, what would you do?
Let’s put things in perspective…
You have a friend, a friend that you value so much. Suddenly your friendship flourished, and because of that you’ve crossed a bridge that must not be crossed. The other one has feelings for the other and the other knows about it, while the other is committed. The one with feelings knows that the other one has feelings too but there are hang ups that kept that feeling in a box. Whatever the hindrance is, it is killing them both.
Both were concerned with what will happen next… would their friendship come to an end, or would they be more comfortable with each other. They both decided to hold on to what they’ve got.
Absence… distance… would it help on making them both forget the physical attraction? What if the one with feelings would slowly die in the process… or would it give that person a time to look for other one to give attention to and hopefully would be given back same attention?
Some other questions… would they end up together or as friends? Or they would go on separate ways? Or will their friendship becomes fubu?
Things sometimes becomes complicated because of our own acts but nevertheless we must be matured enough to handle such situation. Friendship sometimes becomes tested, it will either end or make it grow further... it depends on how long each one would hold on to it. Falling for a friend is when the complication starts... if you do fall for a friend... think... will it be worth the risk? and you ready to risk it all? For you might say this when you did fall for a friend... "the only change i can't adpt to is not having you around!"