Sunday, January 21, 2007

True Friends are HARD TO FIND

A Perfect Breather

After of being soooo much drained with all the fuss at work… I get to loosen up FINALLY!!! Though it was in the most unlikely circumstances… hmmm… why? Well we WITH MY TRUE FRIENDS… after our training… went to Sariaya Quezon to visit the wake of kakoki’s granny… but that wasn’t my main purpose, when I heard that there’s a beach few miles away (well it is FEW MILES away indeed) I just have to say YES I’M COMING when kiko asked me Friday afternoon. It was a long ride, 2-3 hours I supposed… I lost track because I’m not feeling well… it’s like NATRE’s back but still I have to quench my thirst for relaxation… after taking OF COURSE a lot of silly pictures with my pasaway friends… having lunch… devouring the special puto… discovering a distinctive chili… which I took a lot of pictures trying to focus on the red and the green one (it turned out splendid because of the Portrait function of the cam) and later on we discovered its tooo SPICEEEYYY!!! …finding myself a thinking hat… munching on some young coconut, well trying to… taking a pose with a cow… I get to release all the negativity that engulfed me this past few weeks… what did I do? Not the Mary Palmer thingie… I get to swim to the beach!!! The place is soooo cool! The water is oh so clear you get to see your feet while walking… we have to unpack our big asses ‘cause we need to get back to Manila for the training… WOSHOO!!!! As we crossed the Freaky Darkness of the road, a little surprise came along… we saw a snake crossing the road… maybe he got stressed out too with the other side of the road so he have to cross the other side to meet new friends… or maybe he’s just like me… in search for a perfect breather!

Trust no one but GOD

It was unfortunate on my part that I have to go through all the pain when the others seemed to not to care at all whether how I am suffering from the acts that was inflicted upon me.

I hate them. They turned their back at me then and now they want to say sorry to someone by destroying me. Good thing God never let me down… he always have his own way of guiding me in my battles in life. I am thankful that the open-mindedness of Rye, Marnz, Gladz and She helped me realize what kind of friends have I shared and entrusted my life with. Nobody stood up for me when I was being mocked by the biatch… and just because I was distant I have to go all through this? And that I am immature, super sensitive? What about WHAT HAVE I DONE FREAKING BAD TO YOU TO DESERVE THIS? Why is it I have to ADJUST because that’s him… why can’t they adjust BECAUSE THIS IS ME… but that sounds selfish! But whatever purpose this event is all about I get to learn something… choose your friends… be selective… you’ll never know who is true to you till the end. Thanks for those who still believed this is not just all about petty things. And I hope one day those who turned their back at me… I won’t be that harsh on you… if not I hope you can stand when I give you a doze of your own medicine. I am doing my own thing… why don’t you do your own. Stop showing you are strong… I know and I sense you are trembling inside. Just wait till I get through you… you will be the one leaving.

For you bozo! …you find strength in alliance but in solitude you are helpless. And stop doing silly things… I have expected too much from you… you disappointed me… haven’t you have anything MORE to give? That’s it?

There will always be those people that will bring me down every now and then, but I won’t let it take that long, I don’t get mad… I get even… and when the devil in me overpowers me… you better start shaking ‘cause I’m gonna make sure your life will be a living hell… bwahaaha

Other words of wisdom: Timing is everything. Choose the battle you want then make sure you’ll win. Don’t lay down your all your best cards at the start, let it hit them when they are already defenseless! Then follow through with a good laugh!!!


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