Saturday, January 13, 2007

Twist of Fate

How hard it is to say things that have been bothering you, when you’re having lots of them… I don’t know how to start… shoot! Now I need to spill the beans! Ah… at least some of it… oops! Wrong move… I just gave them the wrong impression…

Being distant is far different from ditching out friends. I am aware that everyone have their own drama in life, not being selfish but I am not that good in hiding emotions, as one good friend told me that I am so transparent. Well everything then has their pros and cons.

I have made a move and there’s no turning back now. IT’S AN EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL???? No, I just want to explain my side. How come when I was the one giving out opinion I am always misunderstood?


Talking to other’s when you’re in deep shit sometimes really eases the pain. Either after taking you discover three things: that you are not the only one who’s in deep shit; that you are not the one who really is on deep shit or the other one would think that he’s not the only one in deep shit. Right after I’ve had a talk with sandee… I said to my self… I am still living a normal life.

And so today I made a friend an angel… January 9th 2007… marked as Sandee-Turned-Angel-Day…

Quotable quote… “at least pareho na tayong may positive stickers!... Sana more than a planner lang kapalit niya once we filled up every single slot!”

Good things comes the least you expect it. I just got a very very good news! And it is what I needed after all! I can’t wait to see my mother and tell her about this. I was given an adjustment and its freaking just-in-time!!! Yahoo!!!

Life is so full of twists and turns!


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