Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Its human nature

When a cobra or any venomous snake got cornered they strike unto the thing or person or animal with their fangs… and so as a black widow who got stuck in a shoe and when you wore that shoe it will strike you… a dog who feels threatened would bark or even bite you…

There’s this so-called Texas horned lizard, this fierce-looking reptile has armor plating, frightening horns, and a squat body fringed with spikes. If that wasn't scary enough, it also has an unorthodox protection mechanism. This beast can squirt blood from its eyes to repel predators! The jets of blood are believed to contain irritants and caustic toxins. It's bizarre, bloody blurts have earned the lizard the world record for most unusual form of natural defense.

Same to us, those whom referred to as with much higher intelligence than of any other living species on earth… (I forgot the term for it). If we feel threatened, when somebody we care of are in danger… when we are about to face death we have different kind of approach on such instances… these are called defense mechanisms…

Now what really is defense mechanism?

It is defined into such viewpoints:
Biology. A physiological reaction of an organism used in self-protection, as against infection.
Psychology. Any of various usually unconscious mental processes, including denial, projection, rationalization, and repression, that protect the ego from shame, anxiety, conflict, loss of self-esteem, or other unacceptable feelings or thoughts.
Hmmm… I just wanna ask… is it really human nature to react onto something without even thinking? Just wanna ask… since we are given the higher level of intelligence, how come a lot of people have poor judgment and lacks veracity? As for me I am so darn happy today… because I have proven something… its inevitable not to think straight if you are in great threat… and for those who keep their composure and keep their cool when in difficult situation I think you deserve a round of applause!


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